Though Unsettling – Market Corrections Provide Buying Opportunities From Panicked Sellers
Despite less than six weeks elapsing since the last edition, a tremendous amount has happened. Markets, politics, and economics have dominated our various screens. The civility of public discourse has reached new lows, equity markets appear to have established some interim lows, and the noise from the US mid-term elections have reached 150% of tolerable […]
Trump, Trudeau, Voices Of Reason, Keeping Our Eye On The Financial Ball & Adapting
Trigger warning: this newsletter contains sharp criticisms and politically incorrect opinion. The truth hurts when it ought to. Adapting to today’s frenzied pace is challenging, lest we also become frenetic. The gap since my last full Views from the Crowsnest newsletter is the longest ever, as I’ve struggled with finding a balance. The inputs have […]
Object Lessons In Mass Psychology and Discipline
Humans are hard-wired for connection, and as such our very nature pre-disposes us to investment failure, because most people want to be part of the “In” crowd. That’s quite a mouthful, and an ominous one at that. Our current U.S. equity market environment provides object lessons in both mass psychology and discipline. As I write […]
Political Turmoil And Populism Drive Stress And Battle Fatigue
It’s been quite some time since I donned my winter gear, climbed the mast to spend time drinking in the panoramic view from high above the water’s surface, and then had the quiet space required reflect and distill my observations. Thanks for your patience. We each have our own unique sensitivity to current events, but […]
A Bold Prediction … We’ll See How It Turns Out
First of all, I wish to express my sincere regrets that the U.S. elections are such big news even here in Canada…collectively it feels like we need to be deloused and scrubbed with disinfectant. I’ve been pretty clear in my various newsletters, articles and conversations that I believe that neither of the two leading Presidential […]
Never Ever Count Out The Dark Horse
Hangover, shock, disbelief, anger, damaged egos…all part of the aftermath of the U.S. elections. Oh, and a very different tone on mainstream TV shows. Martin Armstrong’s models got it right once again. 3 out of his 4 models called a Republican victory with > 80% voter turnout. This is yet another confirmation that Armstrong’s computer […]
Special U.S. Election Note
Yesterday afternoon, FBI Director James Comey dropped a bombshell into the middle of the last 11 days of the U.S. elections. Will it be enough to tip the balance? Can the mainstream push any harder on the scales than they already have been? Over the last 3 to 4 months some friends (?) and family […]
Storm Clouds Gathering
Surprisingly little has been happening in broad equity markets in North America since my previous missive in July. That is noteworthy, per se. In several ways, this feels like the calm before the storm, so we’d better enjoy it while it lasts. The same cannot be said for the political landscape in Europe and the […]
A Post Brexit Message
So much has happened since my previous newsletter and June 24th post-Brexit message that I’m going to get straight to business. Ignoring economic realities and financial market movements and getting caught in the adolescent drama of mainstream media’s obsession with modern politics produces only negative results, including but not limited to the following: frustration, outrage, […]
Vulnerability Is Likely One Of The Most Frightening Words In The English Language
A lot has transpired in the interval since our 2014 Annual Forecast Issue, and it appears that market action is now heating up again. Are you prepared to dance to “The European Shuffle?” The last six months have been extraordinarily busy for our firm, with a focus on transitioning clients to the Portfolio Managers that […]