A Bold Prediction … We’ll See How It Turns Out

November 17, 2016

First of all, I wish to express my sincere regrets that the U.S. elections are such big news even here in Canada…collectively it feels like we need to be deloused and scrubbed with disinfectant.

I’ve been pretty clear in my various newsletters, articles and conversations that I believe that neither of the two leading Presidential candidates are worthy of the Office they seek. To be brutally frank, both candidates have disgusted me in ways that were unthinkable until about 16 months ago. I cannot cast a ballot, nor do I endorse either candidate.

I’ve unequivocally stated – ad nauseam for some – that whomever wins, America loses. And whomever loses, they will call for vote re-counts and accuse the other side of voter fraud. I’ve already seen numerous stories of fraud in respect of counting early voter ballots, and that story will explode. Neither candidate can be accurately characterized as a gracious loser.

I believe the Whitehouse will be occupied starting in late January 2017 by the candidate whom the largest block of voters “fear and hate less.” Will that be one misogynist or two?

I’ve also stated that the popularity of Trump is not based (primarily) on Trump himself even though I’m sure The Donald secretly wishes it were so…it’s because he has aligned his campaign with an incredibly large segment of the U.S. electorate who feel – for a variety of reasons – that the corruption and elitism of the U.S. system needs to be cleaned up, and that Donald Trump is brazen enough to actually do it. It’s elitism/status quo versus populism and necessary change.

Whether or not he could or would follow through on his promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington, D.C. is quite another matter, but Trump has become the candidate who gives many people their first real hope of actually dismantling the expensive corruption that pervades all federal institutions – regardless of which party is in power in Congress or the White House. Trump gives many disempowered people the hope of actually being empowered. He’s not particularly articulate, but this serves to endear him to many people who have learned by experience to distrust people who are too articulate, too polished, and got too rich while working in “public service.”

One of the great things about this election is the fact that the mainstream media (excluding Fox and Rebel Media) has been outed as being horribly biased, scheming, misleading, disingenuous and downright dishonest colluding cheerleaders for the Clinton campaign. They have basically given the Clinton campaign a free ride, and the polls are still incredibly close. This speaks to the weakness of the Clinton campaign, which has spent most of its time trying to suppress investigations and actively manipulating media coverage of the MANY Clinton scandals…and more recently trying to run out the clock.

This article from Breitbart, one of several “deplorable, Alt-right” news sites that I visit in order to counter-balance the bias of CNN, MSNBC, ABC/NBC/CBS/GLOBAL/CBC and most of traditional print journalism. Mainstream journalism has openly shown that it is part of the Establishment itself, so they won’t report honestly on their own corruption. This includes Facebook, Twitter and Google…all of whom have been caught red-handed suppressing trending stories or search results that hurt Clinton or favor Trump.

With almost every influential celebrity, media outlet and popular technology platform on her side, shouldn’t this already be a blow-out in Clinton’s favor? Even Hillary admitted in one video a month ago that she should be ahead by 15 % points.

This is definitely a change election, and this article is a very thorough explanation of how Trump just might pull off a dark horse victory, similar to the surprise “Leave” victory in the Brexit vote back on June 23rd. Our managers are watching today’s market surge which has been attributed to traders’ belief that Clinton will win…and are prepared for all outcomes.

To me, this feels a lot like the market top that happened back in May 2, 2011 when the Obama administration proudly announced the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden, which makes me very cautious. The principles of Mass Psychology don’t apply only to the investment markets.

What I do know with certainty is that public confidence in government will continue to decline in the U.S., and this trend is just getting started. It’s good for U.S. stocks because the U.S. is the relatively-strongest economy in the world, and investors have more confidence in corporations than they do in governments. Eventually it will also be VERY good for precious metals investments as well.

Like everyone I discuss this with, I am happiest that the election is finally about to be over with…though the consequences will be felt for years to come. Buckle up, everyone…this is just about to get REALLY interesting.

Namaste 🙂

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