Big Picture Podcast: Making Sense of the Ukraine/Russia Conflict

There is a lot to unpack when it comes to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Why did it occur in the first place? Why did Putin think this would be a quick win? How strong is the Russian Army? What are potential scenarios going forward?

We welcomed back Major Brian Hamilton of the Canadian Armed Forces, on April 19, 2022 to provide an expert, military perspective on the conflict. Brian is a decorated solider who served our country for 32 years getting his start as an infantry officer and eventually becoming a senior intelligence officer. He held active roles in operations and intelligence support; and trained NATO intelligence staff.

He is following the conflict closely. We believe the perspective of someone who’s trained for high-intensity war and served in a war zone; and made a living assessing vast quantities of information to make sense of complex situations would help cut through a lot of the noise.

Major Hamilton shared his views on:

* The precursors to the Ukraine invasion
* Why Ukraine has had success repelling the Russians thus far
* How and where he obtains reliable information about the state of the conflict
* How he sees the situation unfolding
* And more…

(Podcast recorded April 19, 2022)

Brian Hamilton summarized key sources of information he has referenced to support his analysis and sources of information that provide up to date analysis/updates of progress of the conflict. Download now. We’d like to acknowledge that views and information sources shared are those by our guest and there are other information sources/views to consider related to topics covered during the podcast.

One of our attendees was also gracious enough to share the notes he made during the podcast. Feel free to download them.

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