Envision a Chinese fishing fleet, protected by 200 militia vessels, arrives off the BC coast and begins illegal fishing. Could the Canadian Armed Forces make them stop? If so, would the Trudeau Liberals give them that order? If the answer to either question is “no”, is Canada truly a sovereign country?
We were pleased to have retired Major Brian Hamilton of the Canadian Armed Forces as our guest for his fascinating take on this scenario and other challenges facing Canada.

Major Hamilton is a decorated solider who served our country for 32 years getting his start as an infantry officer and eventually becoming a senior intelligence officer. He held active roles in operations and intelligence support; and also trained intelligence officers for the Canadian Armed Forces and NATO.
During this discussion Major Hamilton shared his views on:
* Threats to Canadian sovereignty posed by a changing world order
* How the Chinese & Russian governments are infiltrating Canadian institutions
* COVID – what might really be going on?
* Internal threats to Canada, especially Western Canada, due to social disruption and weak political leadership
* The state of Canada’s military today
Make no mistake, Canada is caught in the crossfire of global super powers engaged in big-time, power politics. Is Canada up for the task? What does this mean for you? Major Hamilton had much to say.
(Podcast recorded June 4th, 2021)